How to use the test. For a printable version of these notes see the menu bar at the left.
There are three stages to using the test:
- Simulate the spread of infection by sharing 'serum' samples with other members of the class.
- Carry out the test to find out who is infected (ie positive for the disease antigen).
- Use the information to find out who was the original source of the infection
1. Simulate the spread of infection
- Label your serum sample with your initials.
- Use a small pipette to add your serum sample to your partner’s and mix them together. (It is a good
idea to label the small pipette also with your initials.)
- Return half of the mixed sample to your sample tube.
- After each exchange make a note of who you have exchanged serum with.
- Repeat this step with a different person. You and your original partner should not exchange
samples with the two members of the same partnership.
- If there are more than 8 people in the class you should do a third round of exchanges.
- If there are more than 16 in the class you can do a fourth round.